The Madrasters Designer Meet-up: A Celebration of Creativity and Collaboration

3 min readSep 21, 2023

Tekion recently conducted an event, an incredible meetup in collaboration with Madrasters that had designers buzzing with excitement! The event was aimed to help designers/attendees get to know each other and come up with unique solutions to the challenges as a team.

Tekion started with a super fun and engaging activity that got everyone’s creative juices flowing and gave them a chance to collaborate, research, and come up with ideas together. They divided the designers into teams and gave them a thrilling challenge — Design superhero gadgets that would make the lives of fellow Bangaloreans easier. Each team had just 15 minutes to come up with their brilliant ideas!

The energy in the room was electrifying as the teams brainstormed and put their heads together to create something truly unique. The first team came up with a genius invention called the Hangover Belt by which our superhero can locate, help, and save hungover folks from mishaps. Talk about a lifesaver!

Meanwhile, the second team worked on a real estate concept — a digital application called Bob the Broker, operated by ghosts! With Bob the Broker, our superhero can find the perfect houses for people in need. It’s like having a supernatural real estate agent!

The third team, however, blew us away with their practical and much-needed idea — the Traffic Jacket. We all know how frustrating traffic can be in Bangalore, but now our superhero can navigate it more efficiently, helping fellow Bangaloreans reach their destinations faster and with less stress.

It was incredible to witness the designers’ quick thinking and problem-solving skills in action. After the fun-filled challenge, we had two of our speakers up on stage, Mani Bharathi Ravi, Manager of Product Design at Tekion Corp, and Thulasiram L, Sr UX Manager at Walmart Labs, India.

Mani Bharathi Ravi shared his insights on how motion design can elevate the user experience of digital products and how It’s all about bringing life and personality to our designs through subtle and meaningful animations.

And then, Thulasiram L, Sr UX Manager at Walmart Labs, India, took the stage with his informative and inspiring talk on data-driven design in UX.

Overall, it was an unforgettable experience filled with creativity, learning, and great connections. It was truly a pleasure to be a part of such an engaging and vibrant event. I hope to attend more of these exciting meetups and events from Tekion in the future!

About the author

This blog is written by Prabhagaran Rakkiappan, Manager, Product Design at Tekion Corp.




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